Wednesday, August 28, 2013

September 8 Gathering Sunday

September 8 marks the beginning of the program year at Pilgrim.  Sunday School classes for children and youth resume on Sunday mornings and on September 8th, the whole congregation is invited to brunch in Fellowship Hall following worship and classes.

Sunday School students come to worship with parents or other adults at 10:00 a.m..  After a Time with Children, they recess to their classes for age-appropriate learning and then gather at 11:00 for music.  There are three Sunday school classes: children age 4-1st grade; 2nd and 3rd graders; and 4th-7th graders.  Youth older than 7th grade stay in the worship service and are encouraged to explore the meaning of faith through a confirmation program.

This year, the 4th-7th graders are beginning the year with a six week study of Food Justice.  They are learning about food production and distribution and the Christian call to be sure that everyone has access to food for healthy living.  Students and teachers are excited to share their learning on their own blog:

Younger children are learning Bible stories related to the designated texts for each Sunday.

Check this blog each week for further information about Pilgrim's various activities or like us on Facebook for weekly announcements of upcoming events.  We'd love to have you check us out!

"Whoever you are, wherever you are in life's journey, you are welcome here."